Sunday, November 6, 2016

sacred geometry symbols

The sacred geometry symbols embodied here reveal the truth about our identity and the true nature of reality. Behind these sacred symbols is the knowledge that enables us to take complete control over our lives.  So that we can rid ourselves of chaos, fear and hatred which affect so many of us.

Vesica Pisces > The Vesica Pisces is composed of two spheres with the same radius, which intersect within each other’s circumference. its considered a holy figure because the ratio of its width to its height was believed to be 165:153 or 1.73203—a holy number. It should be noted that the number 153 is written in the Gospel of John as the number of fish that Jesus miraculously caught. Because of this, some believe that it is the symbol for Jesus Christ (ichthys). The shape was also said to be found in the Ark of the Covenant. In Sacred Geometry, It is a symbol of coming together, harmonic proportions and a source of strength and power.



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