Saturday, November 5, 2016

ebay scripts

Powerful spells from SW7 >

Banish a rival spell
Someone getting in your way? 
Is their someone trying blocking your goals? 
Is their someone that is making your life difficult?

Want to get rid of them?
Yeah, we can make that happen for you !!!

Get rid of a rival spell to Defeat Your Rival
Defeat Your Rival and Eliminate negative people 
with this Get rid of a rival spell. Give them a metaphysical kick to drive them away.

This Banishment spell is from SW7  >  Banish a rival \ eliminate an enemy - Fire spell
  Supernatural power is at your beckon call >   Improve your life today


Boost Self-esteem and self-confidence 
Like finding the perfect pair of jeans or getting to inbox zero (you're on top of your game; you're in charge; you rock), confidence is a pretty elusive thing. But without it, it’s all too easy to fall down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and negativity. And this not only hurts us on a personal level (anxiety, depression, membership to the lonely heart’s club), but it can also put a damper on our professional success as well, actually it can effect your whole life. That’s why we made it our mission to provide this supernatural shortcut to boosting your Confidence. its the best way to power past insecurities and doubts, and we have to say: It's awesome. This spell-casting will get your give you the Confidence you need to soar over the toughest situations — whether it’s rocking a first date or acing an interview — with swagger.

Confidence Booster 
If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect anybody else to?
Self-confident people are admired by others and inspire confidence in others.
They know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get past them.
Wouldn't it be amazing to have this kind of self-confidence, every day of the week? 
Guess what? Now You can!

Work, job, Career, love, Athletics, Sports, Achievements, Grades, Test, or 
anything else that you need to boost your Confidence for

This Empowerment spell is from SW7  >  Boost Self-esteem / Self-confidence - Fire spell
  Supernatural power is at your beckon call >   Improve your life today


Cant live without me -   Love spell

This "Cant live without me" spell is used to reunite star crossed lovers who should be together but aren’t. If your love connection is currently broken, this love spell call upon a higher power to heal and repair whatever type of love issues you two were having. If your lost lover was struggling with any fear of commitment phobia (known or unknown to you), this spell will calm and soothe their fears, while motivating them to think about the relationship you guys had together. This spell will then plant seeds of regret for leaving you, driving them to swallow their pride and contact you, hoping to work things out. 

If your lover has ended your relationship and your heart aches for them to come back, this spell open your lost lovers heart to realize how empty & incomplete life is without you. It will prompt your ex to realize that they want you and cannot live without you !

 This Love Spell to bring back lover is from SW7  >  Cant live without me - love spell
  Supernatural power is at your beckon call >   Improve your life today


soulmate spell

Having a Soul Mate Spell cast is perhaps the easiest and most effective way to attract a Soul Mate to enter your life. Imagine how you will feel when you have your true Soul Mate beside you. We all have a true Soul Mate somewhere out there. Someone who will love you for who your are – faults and all.

Someone who will respect and honor you equally and will stay faithful, loving and be generous with their time and energy. Someone you feel an instant attraction and connection to and a knowing that they are "the one". The trouble is attracting your Soul Mate can be very difficult if not impossible. So this soulmate seal with fire Spell is the obvious solution.

Soulmate Seal from SW7 -
  Supernatural power is at your beckon call >   Improve your life today



Bring Back a Lost Love

Love Spells to Return a Lost Lover
Breaking up is never easy. But if you are not ready to give up on your ex and you know deep in your heart that if you could have one more chance with your ex, things would work out. We can help!!! If you've done the soul-searching, tried the “time apart” thing, dated lackluster pretenders, and came to the stark realization that You just cant live without your Ex. Your gonna have to do the right thing, and that means your going to want to get our Love Spell to "Return a Lost Lover".




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