Sunday, November 6, 2016

Celtic symbol + meanings

Sacred symbols and signs hold incredible meaningful power that have been in use since the beginning of time itself. The meanings behind these symbols have been carried on from generation to generation with the help of the elders and ancient storytellers, allowing thier power to live on. The relevance and significance of the Celtic symbols are timeless; themes of love, loyalty, energy, wisdom and war which are very much alive today.

Celtic symbols\meanings

Love Knot or Eternity Knot
The eternity knot could be any of the celtic knot design patterns that has a closed path. It means that such Celtic knots neither have a beginning, nor an end. George Bain, a Celtic art teacher from Scotland attributed this meaning to the eternity knot. There are many different forms of this Celtic knot. Many-at-time, animal shapes are also found in the love knot patterns.


Celtic Trinity Knot
The Celtic Trinity knot is also known by the name, 'Triquetra'. There are many different views/opinions about the meaning of Trinity Celtic symbol. According to early Christians, Celtic Trinity knot is associated with or viewed as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The trinity knot is seen by those who believe in paganism as a symbol of Mother, Crone and Maiden.


Celtic Quaternary Knot
The task of tracking down the exact meaning of Celtic symbols is quite difficult due to the lack of concrete proofs or written documents. In many cases, one has to rely on the artists' interpretation of a particular symbol. The quaternary knot symbol could thus, depict or indicate four directions (East, West, North and South). The symbol could also refer to four elements of nature i.e. Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The fire festivals of Celts i.e. Samhain, Beltane, Imbolc and Lughnasadh could also be an interpretation of the quaternary symbol. The depiction of quaternary symbol might be an indication of the treasures of Tuatha.

Dara Celtic Knot
Meaning of the word 'Dara' can be traced to an Irish word doire which means 'oak tree'. The Dara Celtic knot is associated with the root system of oak trees. The Celts and especially Druids considered the oak tree as sacred. They used to derive meaningful messages applicable to day-to-day life through the language of trees. Oak tree is the symbol of destiny, power, strength, wisdom, leadership and endurance. All these attributes therefore, got associated with the Dara Celtic knot. Roots of the oak tree represented in the form of Dara Celtic knot are symbolic of the great source of inner strength or divine resources we possess.


Shield Knots
This Celtic knot is used as a symbol of protection. It was also believed to have the power to ward off negative energy. The distinct corners of shield knot make it nearly square-shaped. You may also find shield knots that are in the form of a square enclosed inside a circular shape. The common thread that runs through all variants is the knots which do not have any beginning or end. As per the beliefs of Sumerians, four corners of the shield knots represent four gods that are associated with each of the elements of nature: 'An' (heaven), 'Enlil' (wind), 'Nintu' (earth) and 'Enki' (water).

The heart represents timeless love, the crown represents loyalty and fidelity, and the hands represent friendship.


Celtic Tree of Life
Oneness with nature. The Celts had many tree symbols. Birch signifies youth, beginnings and renewal. Ash signifies connection, wisdom and surrender. Heather stands for dreams, romance and feelings.

Celtic Serpent
Celtic symbol for rebirth, healing and wisdom, due to its cyclical shedding of its skin. The serpent was considered an immortal creature that came to life each year with a new skin. The Celts believed serpents slithered up from the inside of the earth, and they held all of the world’s secrets and divine wisdom. The serpent was the Celtic people’s “Earth Healer,” but later turned into the Christian symbol for the devil and paganism.

Like the trinity, the spiraled triskelion, or triskel, stands for unity of the three. In the case of Celts, this is the physical, mental and spiritual. It also symbolizes the eternal life, the flow of nature, and spiritual growth.

Triple Spiral
The triple spiral of life shows the continuity of life, and how it travels in cycles. As with the triskel, the existence of “the three” stands for mind, body, spirit; birth, death, rebirth.

Wheel of Being
The five-fold pattern, also known as the Wheel of Balance, is made up of four circles united by a fifth circle in the center. The structure stands for four powers or elements balanced by a fifth. The Druidic universe consisted of four Powers united by a fifth Balance.

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