Sunday, November 6, 2016

Alchemy symbols + meanings

In the past; The cryptic alchemical symbols, diagrams, and textual imagery of late alchemical works typically contain multiple layers of meanings, allegories, and references to other equally cryptic works, and would have been quite laboriously decoded to discover their true meaning. Alchemy is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition practiced aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects. In the eyes of the esoteric wizard, alchemy is fundamentally spiritual. Transmutation of lead into gold is presented as an analogy for personal transmutation, purification, and perfection.

Peacock's Tail >  Planetary energy: unknown. Weekday: Unknown, Health system \ chakra energy: Overcome sickness, diseases and poisoning. Symbolizes that the process of obtaining something unique out of it is possible. Marks the precipitation of the final stage - the beginning of integration.
Theme: Dispels evil spirits and absorb negative energies. Nothing escapes the universal Justice. Cleanses spiritual imperfections. Enhances ability to foresee danger. Instills: protection from accidents, poisoning, diseases, and other disasters. Represents: resurrections, renewals and transformation. Vision, Royalty, Spirituality, Awakening, Guidance, Protection, & Watchfulness.

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Platinum > Planet energy: Ketu (moon’s descending node) Weekday: unknown. Health system \ chakra energy: nervous system: sciatic nerve, nerves of legs (e.g., calves, thighs) & organs: foot, knee and hip joints; blood vessels of legs. Theme: Grounding, coming home > brings “high-flyers” and ”spaced-out people” back on the ground, nurtures the connection with collective elementary powers and archetypes to make it easier for one to access the power of one’s family and ancestors. Psychological stress related to such themes as childbirth and motherhood being harmonized. Rigidity of emotions and spirit dissolved and providing an overall feeling of "coming home" and "groundedness“ is strengthened. Instills: energy for transformation, and the transformation may be for good or for bad. Can be used to cause blockages and pain in someones life in order to push them to change their psychological patterns and move on. It may present itself as irrational fears and thereby encourage exploration of the subconscious mind which again can lead to major changes and evolution. Encourages one to let go of emotional baggage and guilt. Can also be used to move someone towards faith, moreover transformation and surrendering the ego to a higher power, which can eventually lead to enlightenment. Represents determination, grit, and seeing our manifestations to completion.

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Phosphorus > Planetary energy: Saturn. Weekday: unknown, Health system \ chakra energy: Unknown. Phosphorus in greek means the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance & thus we shall associate them. Symbolically: Spiritual and Material. Theme: opening and closing, beginnings and endings. This duality of Venus is underscored by her placement in the skies as both the "morning star" (as it rises in the east) and the "evening star". The elemental alchemy symbol phosphorus traps light, and thus it is reputed that the alchemy symbol for phosphorus represents spiritual illumination. Represents: Love, Allure, Desire, Beauty, Passion, Harmony, Affection, Sexuality, Creativity, Attraction, Inspiration, Femininity, Aesthetics, Imagination, Appreciation, Relationships, Unification of opposites, Spiritual illumination. 

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Magnesium >  It is the difficulty of extinguishing that makes this elemental alchemy symbol so appealing because it represents eternity, infinite flame, and ascension.

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Lead > Planetary energy: Saturn. Weekday: unknown, Health system \ chakra energy: cleansing and removal of imperfections. Esoteric meaning: facilitating energy. Without its presence, nothing in the world could get accomplished. Theme: harvest time, symbolizes the changing of an old regime (death) to a new one (rebirth). Instills: invokes energy for perseverance, strength, staunch willpower and rigid follow-through to help one with whatever Transformation. Promotes fluid transitions even if it means moving through change with detached interest (rather than taking things personally and adding drama to the situation). Represents: Domination, Authority, Transition, Obstinate, Slower pace, Methodical, Time, Construction, Labor, Stability, Labor, Long study, Observation, Unrevealed power
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Zinc >  Planetary energy: Mercury - Helps overcome emotional and mental tension due to a shock  or trauma. Health system \ chakra energy:  HEALING energy for a week immune system, poor healing of wounds, skin problems, gum bleeding, inflammation of eyes and ears, colds, muscular pain, fever, cramps, cramping cough as well as swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, tonsils or palate. Instills: Protection and Powerful energetic waves to promote progress. Your business and or life will go through a process of renewal and become a better enterprise. Promises success in business affairs, health and personal goals. Also opens the way to love, wisdom and strength of the heart.  Represents: Agility, Versatile, Dexterity, Swiftness, Friendship, Commerce, Movement, Intelligence, Elusiveness, Inconstancy, Androgynous, Perceptiveness, Loquaciousness, Communication, balance, wisdom, and creative flexibility.

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Tin > Planetary energy: Jupiter. Weekday: Thursday. Health system \ chakra energy: corresponds to the water balance of the body, respiration, joints and bone structure of the body as well as liver and gall bladder. Helpful in the case of imbalance which may occur from improper water balance such as edema or dehydration, constipation or diarrhea. Helps to relieve energy disturbances in the event of rheumatism, joint problems, weakness of connective tissue and ligaments, obesity, gout, paralysis. Theme: increase creativity, power of speech, self-realization and ability to make contacts. Instills: a sense of justice and ones natural authority. A reinforcement element that supports higher learning, exploring ideas, searching for the answers, long-distance travel and FINAL JUSTICE. Enhances intuition to expose deceptions, hidden agendas and abuses, ill fated intentions and lies. Brings Luck, good fortune, Abundance, expansion, gains, increase, prosperity, success and ultimate victories.

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Sulfur > Considered a transcendent elemental alchemy symbol – sulfer represents the eternal aspiration to reach enlightenment. Sulfur makes everything more lively. it excites, energizes, illuminates, revives and or renews life.

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Silver > Planetary energy: Moon. Weekday: Monday. Portrays that we ourselves can be flexible enough to be molded into something better – but strong enough to keep our core integrity in tact. Silver health benefits: can be used against menstruation disorders, sleep disorders, moodiness, to calm down the nerves, against feverish conditions, bacterial diseases, aginst viruses and parasites, Themes: rhythm, regeneration, growth, receptivity, fertility, reproduction, and any constructive process. Instills: Charisma, sexual attraction and receptivity are strengthened. Represents Purity, Clarity, Awareness, Focus, Single-ness of Purpose, Femininity, Persistence, Vision, Strength. Attributes of awareness, clarity, and vision

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Iron > Planetary energy: Mars. Weekday: Tuesday. Incorporate this symbol when you are "going into battle" or confront life-and-death issues. Themes: Stimulates sexual desire and Strengthens ones drive. Instills: willpower, decisiveness as well as vitality and life energy. Chakra energy (health): corresponds to the digestive system, liver, gall-bladder, the blood formation and heat regulation. Recommended in the case of energy imbalance and disturbance. These may result from unstable blood pressure, loss of blood, weak immune system, infections with fever and inflammations, sore throat, inflammation of the larynx and generally all kind of chronic inflammation and acute allergies as well as headaches and muscular pain.  Symbolizes predominantly male \ Masculine energy, physical strength, primal urges, new beginnings, birth and initiation. Active, Forceful, Driving, Aggression, Heated, Passionate, Focused, Aspiration, Goal Oriented, Enthusiastic, Vitality. Reveals lies, deceptions & things that are no longer serving us. 

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Gold  > Planetary energy: Sun. Weekday: Sunday. Health - Gold is a a cure for depression, can counterbalance moodiness and instill peace of mind. Cleanses, detoxicates and purges and in this way re balances the “juices of the body”. It will remove heavy metals like mercury from dental fillings, ingested pollutants, drug residues and metabolic waste products. Naturopathy has demonstrated that through such detoxicating and clearing therapies all kinds of illnesses. Themes: energy, stimulation, vitality, recovery, activation, creativity, confidence, organizational skills, and strengthening of the ego. Instills: can harmonize the entire organism and increase the human energy level. Spiritually symbolizes: Vitality, Life, Health, Radiance, Wisdom, Clarity, Unification, Virtue and or transitioning from flawed to perfection.

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Copper > Planetary energy: Venus. Weekday: Friday. Health system \ chakra energy: connected to the sense organs and hormonal system, skin, kidneys and veins. supports detoxification on all levels of body, mind and spirit. Helpful for all disharmonies, which may occur due to insufficient excretion and detoxification in the case of kidney problems, varicose veins, disturbed metabolism, hair loss, sexual weakness, hormonal disturbance, states of fear or tension. Theme: Helps to balance inner conflicts and harmonizes ones feelings jealousy, anger or arrogance. Instills: Strengthens intuition and the connection with ones sense of higher powers and helps to promote self-determination. Refines radiance. Represents a time to exert our natural forces, to take action, and start a new venture. It gives us encouragement that our actions will be rewarded in kind. Symbolizes: love, balance, feminine beauty, and artistic creativity. Primarily deals with strong will, positivity

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Arsenic: The elemental alchemy symbol arsenic was used for medicinal and magical cures. enlightenment and philosphical ascention. prosperity, power, control,

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Antimony >  Planet energy: uplifted Saturn. Weekday: none targeted. Health system \ chakra energy: especially helpful with over boiling processes like inflammations, allergies, rheumatism, with oedemas, concretions of “impurities” like dross, environmental toxins and other kinds of stagnation, as well as with infections and viral or bacterial diseases. In these cases it harmonizes the excessive energies and transforms dark into light. Energetic chakra resonances: relates to the entire nervous system and brain. Regulates all energetic communication between spirit and Higher Self and so brings greater harmony to the interplay of body, spirit and mind. Theme: supports insight into structures of higher order and thus facilitates overcoming negative attitudes and manifesting higher spiritual qualities. Instills: recognition of the meaning of life and one’s personal goal in life as well as the ability to separate the important from the unimportant, and thus enriching life with new ideas that are in harmony with the cosmos. symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature

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Fire > Activity, transformation, purify, purification, determination, will power, 
tarot > pure spirit, vitality, passion, energy, victory, the will and the power to act, pride, honour, 
negative aspects > brutality, destruction

Bismuth -  ????????????????????????????

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still need to add more symbols: Aleph, Bismuth, Cube, Fire, The sun, The Moon, Quincunx, RoseWindows >

Sources - click symbol for meaning

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