Friday, December 2, 2016

Confidence Booster - Candle spell

Get a Blue candle, Blue pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet in or on.
write your name boldly anywhere on the spell sheet
Read & rehearse the spell that's listed below
light your candle, then read the spell
repeat spell three times

great spirit
Send archangel Gabriel to empower me.
The meek are weak but grant me the confidence i seek.
narrow my vision and clear my head of scattered thought.
By this candle burning bright And by this chant that I recite.
Fill my life with strength and light, for its New confidence I wish to ignite.

As you complete the third casting of your spell - light the spell sheet
As the spell sheet burns - complete the spell by saying

“As this burns strengthen and empower me.
Its your gifts of strength and courage i want from thee
So may it be, So may it be - confident, strong and free"

its done - kick back & relax.
Take a few minutes to fill your mind with the things you wish to accomplish
Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy
Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better
if a setback or doubt should arise - you can repeat this process till you win your prize !!!

The great spirit has already blessed you with the thing that you have asked for Give him thanks and then go get it !!!!!!!! As you receive it, when you receive - Give him thanks. The great spirit is not male or female - so use whatever pronoun you wish (him/her)

Create A Power Ritual 

Pass positive charge to your candle
You may pass the positive energy of our glyph sheet along to whatever candle you going to use for the candle spell by simply rolling the candle on the glyph sheet prior to its burning. This will charge the candle so that every time you burn it, positive energy potential will be released to keep you charged & empowered !!! It is not necessary to keep the candle lit all the time, you can put it out, and burn it when you like. This can be done to reinforce the spell and can be repeated anytime you need to boost your will power.

Ritual outline

1) Define a clear trigger. This is done prior to lighting candle. A trigger to wake up is easy–the sound of your alarm clock works. i recommended some relaxing music (instrumental) but you will have to decide what works best for you.

2) Dedicated action. This is done after lighting candle. take a bath, sit or lay with eyes closed, whatever action lets you clear your mind, relax and focus

3) Focus intent. This is done while candle is burning. Fill your mind with the things you wish to accomplish, as if accomplished !!! Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy. Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better.

If a setback or doubt should arise - Repeat this process till you win your prize !!!

Visit our site >

 Get your Fire Seal to burn & Complete ceremony > Right here !!!  

This Empowerment spell is from SW7  >  Boost Self-esteem / Self-confidence - Fire spell

  Supernatural power is at your beckon call >   Improve your life today

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