Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fire Spell, Seal & ceremony

Fire is universal, metaphysical and multi-dimensional. It's considered sacred and revered by us, for it is one of the primal elements of nature (in modern terms, it is "plasma", one of the four states of matter) and is still a pristine unifying force between God and humanity.

The energy of fire is used to consume obstacles, lift limitations, make transformations and complete restorations. It embodies and personifies the obtainment of ones highest aspirations. We also use fire to connect with spirits, carry entreaties into the divine and secure support from the creator.

Our Fire spells now allow you to capitalize on a ceremony that my people have used to satisfy our "must have" needs, wants and wishes throughout the ages. Fire is a living, breathing organism that is essential in the web of life and is key to obtaining miraculous results for those in need. To tap into this amazing power, we offer you the fire spell

  Get your Fire spell, Seal & Complete ceremony info > Right here !!!  

Our fire spells 
Are all written and cast in complete compliance with karmic cycles, the principles of causation, the codes of matter (light, sound, frequency and vibratory) and the laws of creation specifically to invoke the blessings of the master of fate (in whom all things are made possible) for you

Fire spells are a thousand percent stronger than any other spell your going to find online. These spells are created by crafting a spell into script form so they can be enhanced with sacred seals (symbols of the absolute) after which they are placed upon our fire alter and released into the ethers at our fire ceremony. A spell script is also mailed to you so that you can participate in the cycle.  

Elders explanation and teaching 

The burning of the script dissipates all negative energy removing any ill effects that was and or is currently hindering the process of you obtaining your desired outcome or goal. As the script is burning the incantation is recited out loud to replace that old negative energy of nothingness with your new verbal energy of things to come and start the process of replacing what isn't with what will be.

  Get your Fire spell, Seal & Complete ceremony info > Right here !!!  

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