Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ancient alphabets

Ancient magical alphabets

These ancient alphabets are being shown to you in their entirety with their corresponding English letters, but it is important to keep in mind that these scripts have been given English counterparts based on the sounds of each letter—not because there is a definitive connection between some ancient language and modern English.

To put it plainly, when one writes an English word in runes, it is not the same as if one were to write as the ancient Norse wrote. You will notice as you go through the magic alphabets that some alphabets are missing English letters; this is not an error, some of the older languages had no corresponding symbols for all of the letters used in our modern-day languages.

Lables\Tags: fire spells, Ancient Alphabets, Magickal Alphabets, Ancient Runes, Ancient Glyphs, Ancient Writings, Ancient Scripts, Ancient Symbols And Meanings, Angelic alphabet, enochian alphabet, enochian magic, Rune alphabet, Runic Magic, Rune stones,

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Angelic alphabet, Enochian Alphabet
The Enochian Alphabet, also known as the Angelic Alphabet was revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley during their scrying sessions. Enochian Sigils will awaken your magick powers

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Rune alphabet, Runic Magic, Rune stones
The name rune itself, taken to mean "secret, something hidden", seems to indicate that knowledge of the runes was originally considered esoteric. Each has variations in names, shapes, esoteric meanings and magical uses. One should not mix futharks, or the intent or meaning becomes confused. 

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