Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Scientists Hope To disclose Mermaid Mummy Secrets

Are these mermaid stories fact or fiction? That’s for you to decide. Google it or check out YouTube for yourselves. Take a look at the evidence with an open mind. But don’t let yourself get hoodwinked, either. And for what it is worth, many people believe we evolved from the mermaids?

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mermaid mummy encased in a fireproof case.

Mermaid caught in the Pacific Ocean

At a temple in Okayama Prefecture, they worship a 300-year-old mummified mermaid. They call it the mermaid mummy. It stands about 1 foot tall. It has an upper-body resembling a human. And a lower body resembling a fishtail.

Now let me balance this out. Scientists say there is no evidence proving the existence of mermaids in real life. They are mythical creatures that are nothing more than folklore and legends. However, there are many reports online of these mystical creatures.

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