Sunday, June 25, 2017

Get a job spell

New career & job spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a GREEN candle, GREEN pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write your name boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell,  As you start verse 2 - light the spell sheet


(V1) Great spirit, please release my guardian angel to assist me
Mo pe lori aw?n nla ?mí ati karmic ologun

I am here to ask to be filled with Divine power and to ask for you and your helper spirits to help with my Career path.
I call for a new Career to be fetched from eternity, Use your renewing strength to open new paths before me.
create it for me, Show it to me, bring it to me

(V2) Mo pe lori aw?n nla ?mí ati karmic ologun

Success come wrap your spell round and round.
wrap round my life's luck and make it sound.
Prosperity and fortune come fill my till.
So mote it be, So mote it be,
as this is my will!

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of getting a new career and the perks that with it. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy. Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You can use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure a new career. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell energy and boost mystical powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because they feel that you lack true desire.


Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional spell sheets can be purchased right here >

Take a positive approach to your situation by posting positive feedback
This is the path to obtaining the remarkable results that you are seeking.
Invoke good karma and super charge your manifestation process ...
Declare your new destiny to the world and make it so ..

Invoke good karma and super charge your manifestation process ...  
Visit our brand new virtual temple that allows people from around the globe
to unite and channel positive energy towards each others cause. Blessings begets Blessings.
Plug into this miraculous power and super charge the manifestation process of your own request.
Gain the favor of the great spirit !!!!  Blessings begets Blessings. Visit  >>>>

Please let me know if you need anymore help
Thank you for allowing us to serve you
may blessings overtake U

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