Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Revenge spell

Revenge spell

Get a BLACK candle, BLACK pen and receptacle to burn the burn sheet.
write the targets name boldly anywhere on the burn sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read verses 1 & 2,  As you start verse 3 - light the burn sheet
Repeat verse 3 - 3 times 

(V1) Great spirit hear my plea 
I call upon you to take revenge for me.
Release your Goddess Adrestia for this scheme 

(V2) I do not ask for (Enemy Full Name) to die
Rather than death I wish them to suffer by & by.
Make them suffer and cry, make them feel blue
Taking away everything they love most certainly will do

(V3) Nla ẹmí o bẹsan mi.
mere ibi omo ologun ati ọlá mi fẹ.
fi mi fẹ ti buburu idi.

(V4) A life of suffering and turmoil (Enemy Full Name) will see
Great spirit avenge me. This is my will. So mote it be.

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts you would like the enemy to experience. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better.

You can use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure Revenge. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell energy and boost mystical powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else it loses its kinetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because it feels you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional burn sheets can be purchased right here > http://www.spellswork7.com/burn-scripts.html

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site > http://www.spellswork7.com

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