Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Solstice kick start a “summer of extremes” 2016

Summer Solstice: June 20 Marks Start of Summer With the Longest Day of the Year in Northern Hemisphere. The phrase is from the Latin solstitium, meaning "sun stands still." Monday is also the first full moon of June, called a strawberry moon.

The two events haven't occurred at the same time in decades. fact > 1st time since 1948 where 1st day of summer occurs with a full "strawberry" moon. According to, the two won't share the same calendar square again until June 21, 2062.

About 25,000 people were expected to travel to the ancient monument of Stonehenge to see the sun rise and set. Stonehenge is constructed in a way that, near the solstice, allows onlookers to see the sun move precisely above the Heel Stone,

This will kick start a “summer of extremes” which could see the UK, America, Australia and other parts of the world roast in what will become the HOTTEST SUMMER to date

by Shiloh Cyrus

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