Thursday, February 23, 2017

mirrodin magick

Mirrodin Magick transforms wishes into realities. It stems from the same root as Alchemy and produces very real results. Its all about transmutation and actual manifestation. Again i say, it produces very real results. It invokes mystical forces and divine intervention to bring about the reality you wish to obtain. i could write a book trying to explain it but simply put, you get what you want !!! We will cast A potent elemental spell within 24 hours of your order to begin the manifestation process for you. Mirrodin magick never fails !!! You can get your lost lover back & that's a fact !!! If your minds eye can see it (if you can imagine it), it will be made so.
Complete instructions (instruction & key not shown in pics) 
Your Mirrodin print will be charged with positive energy prior to shipping it to you.

Complete instructions (instruction & key not shown in pics) 
Your Mirrodin print will be charged with positive energy prior to shipping it to you.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lottery spell

Lottery spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a GREEN candle, GREEN pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write your name boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell,  As you start verse 2 - light the spell sheet

(V1) Great spirit, please release my guardian angel to assist me
Mo pe lori awọn nla ẹmí ati karmic ologun

Money come and money grow,
Money’s mine; to me it flows!
As I will it, the money grows
By leaps and bounds—it overflows.
Coins that jingle, coins that shine
Come to me now—you are mine!

(V2) Mo pe lori awọn nla ẹmí ati karmic ologun

Money come and money grow.
Money green to me now flow.
Like a magnet, draw good luck and money.
It flows to me like milk and honey.
Success come wrap your spell around
My gambling luck and make it sound.
Success and fortune fill my till.
So mote it be, just as I will!

Ki mote o jẹ, ki mote o jẹ

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of winning the lottery. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You can use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure lottery wins. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell energy and boost mystical powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because it feels you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional spell sheets can be purchased right here >

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site >

Monday, February 20, 2017

intensify love / Commitment spell

intensify love / Commitment spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a RED candle, RED pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write "My true love" boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell,

To my lover, dearest he/she
Bound together I wish to be
Eternal love and health I seek
Our future bright and never bleak

Open up, be true to me
Love me deep and never flee
I'll not hurt you ever or
Desert you so let our love soar

Our feelings now intensify
Never fear and never lie
So we will stand the test of time
For true love it is not a crime

An it be truly told and done
Our loving wishes to be won
Take this spell and make it be
As I will so mote it be

As you complete the final verse of your spell - light spell sheet
as the spell sheet burns - complete the spell by saying

“As this burns so doth my lovers love for me.
as this burns you shall manifest for me.
So may it be, So may it be
its time to come to me”

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of thier return. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You should use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure manifestation of true love. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and any helper spirit will wander off because they feel you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
spell sheets can be purchased right here >

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site >

Monday, February 6, 2017

Attract True Love / soul mate fire spell

Attract True Love / Soul mate spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a RED candle, RED pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write "My true love" boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell, Repeat spell three times

nla ẹmí, nla ẹmí - jọwọ gba mi fẹ
I call upon the great spirit and karmic forces,
I call upon the ruling powers that be.
Spirits of love and law of attraction, I invoke thee.
Make smooth the way that my True love may be brought to me.
nla ẹmí ati kismet ologun - i yìn ọ

As you complete the third casting of your spell - light spell sheet
as the spell sheet burns - complete the spell by saying

“As this burns so doth a lovers love for me.
as this burns you shall manifest for me.
So may it be, So may it be
its time to come to me”

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of thier return. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You should use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure manifestation of your true love. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell and boost angelic powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because it feels you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional spell sheets can be purchased right here >

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site >

Bring back a lost lover fire spell

Bring back a lost lover / Return my ex spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell 
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a RED candle, RED pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write your lost lovers name boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell, Repeat spell three times

Great spirit, 
i call out & this i pray                 
Bring back my love that I know,
Remind (name) heart of the love that still flows
without me and awake, his\her heart must burn & ache
upon his/her return our love will ever grow
without me - awake or asleep, no love shall they know     
Master of fate, this i say, this i pray - bring (name) back to forever stay

As you complete the third casting of your spell - lite the spell sheet
as the spell sheet burns - complete the spell by saying

“As this burns so doth your love for me.
as this burns you shall return to me.
So may it be, So may it be
its time to return to me”

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of thier return. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You can use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure your lost lover returns. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell and boost angelic powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because it feels you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional spell sheets can be purchased right here >

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site >

Angelic Bring back a lost lover spell

Angelic magick - Bring back a lost lover spell

A)Prepare your casting area, altar and any equipment.
B) Read & rehearse the spell
C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)

Get a RED candle, RED pen and receptacle to burn the spell sheet.
write your lost lovers name boldly anywhere on the spell sheet

B) Read & rehearse the spell

C) light your candle (Dim the lights or turn them off)
Take a quiet moment before u Begin (eyes closed and body still),
to summons powerful energy from the universe

Read the spell, Repeat spell three times
Great spirit, please release my gaurdian angel to assist me

i call out & this i pray                
Bring back my love that I know,
Remind (name) heart of the love that still flows
without me and awake, his\her heart must burn & ache
upon his/her return our love will ever grow
without me - awake or asleep, no love shall he/she know    
Master of fate, this i say, this i pray - bring (name) back to forever stay

As you complete the third casting of your spell - lite the spell sheet
as the spell sheet burns - complete the spell by saying

“As this burns so doth your love for me.
as this burns you shall return to me.
So may it be, So may it be
its time to return to me”

its done - kick back & relax.
take a few minutes to fill your mind with thoughts of thier return. Make bright, sharp, vivid and loud pictures in your mind of exactly what you want to happen. Imagine and experience the event, the excitement, the emotions, the joy Take this experience as far as you like - the more passion and energy expelled the better

You can use the complete ritual as a magical magnet to ensure your lost lover returns. It can be repeated anytime you wish to reinforce spell and boost angelic powers. Spell needs to be recharged with the complete ritual else the it loses its magnetic charge and your helper spirit will wander off because it feels you lack true desire.

Spell sheets are charged with positive energy by me & my people prior to shipping it to you.
Additional spell sheets can be purchased right here >

May the great spirit bless you with this thing that you have asked for !!!
Invoke good karma by visiting our site >